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How can I help my dog be more comfortable with the whole process and handling of cleaning, brushing and cutting hair and bathing?

Taking care of the fur and aesthetics not only serves to maintain the "appearance", but is also crucial for the general health and well-being of the dog. However, this is not a procedure with which they feel comfortable, because it involves touching more sensitive areas (ears, eyes, paws, etc.), in addition to traumas due to poor containment by some groomers.

Is it possible to have a "Stress-Free" Grooming experience?

"Stress-free" is a widely used term that means "in peace, free of stress or worry", something that is practically impossible in all living organisms.

In such procedures, although the dog tolerates them it does not mean that he likes it or does not feel some kind of stress or discomfort.

And how can we minimize this discomfort and create a positive association?

1. Start slowly:

Introduce all the accessories (brush, scissors, nail clipper, etc.) gradually, let your dog inspect them calmly.

Start with a soft brush or comb, open and close the nail clipper or turn on the dryer or shear (at a distance) so that it begins to become familiar with the sound.

This step helps reduce anxiety and associated stress.

2. Positive associations are crucial:

It associates the preparation of everything with positive experiences, offers treats, calm conversation or play during and after these sessions.

The goal is to create a positive association between accessories and preparation for the bath, cut (etc) and pleasant moments.

3. Desensitization to the touch:

Regularly desensitize with a calm and gentle touch the areas that may be more critical (take advantage of relaxing moments while you are petting your dog), include sensitive areas such as paws, ears and tail.

Use treats or a calm and affectionate conversation to reinforce calm behavior.

4. Short sessions:

Initially keep grooming sessions short to avoid sensory overload.

Gradually increase the duration as your dog show calmer behaviors and becomes comfortable.

Consistency is key!

5. High Value Treats:

Use high-value treats during these sessions to keep your dog motivated and distracted.

It helps with the positive association and minimizes the anxiety and stress that may be related to these events.

6. Create a calm and relaxing environment:

Choose a quiet and comfortable place, without previous negative associations.

Take advantage of aromatherapy and relaxing music.

7. Patiente:

If your dog shows signs of stress or discomfort, take a break and try again later.

Patience is crucial to create a positive experience, forcing the process can increase your dog's anxiety and trauma.

8. Consider professional help:

There are aesthetic procedures that you can do at home, especially if the maintenance of your dog's hair is not demanding. But there are many breeds that need to turn to a professional groomer.

Nowadays you find many groomers who try to work without causing too much stress to the dog and cat and who consider their well-being a priority.

Your help and collaboration with the trainer and groomer can be essential to make this experience as less traumatizing as possible.

This is a gradual process that requires patience and consistency!

By following these steps you can make these occasions more pleasant for your dog and for you!